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End shifts in the busy status

Set up shifts so that teammates are set as "Busy" X min before the end of their shifts, in order to allow for a smoother end of work transition. This way, teammates can finish their work without getting assigned brand new conversations that will r...
6 months ago in Admin Experience / Workforce management 0 Backlog

New [Is out-of-office] Teammate property for Dynamic Variables

Have a new [Is out-of-office] Teammate property to use in Dynamic Variables, in addition to [Is available] which returns false whether the status is Busy or Out-of-office.
6 months ago in Smart rules 0 Backlog

Show time off end date next to a teammate's name

No description provided
6 months ago in Admin Experience / Teammate management / Workforce management 0 Backlog

Improved Assignment Queues

Giving Admins more confidence that no conversations are left behind thanks to rules. Front already supports queuing conversations that cannot be assigned immediately but we want to make improvements to the experience: giving Admins visibility on t...
over 1 year ago in Assign / Workflows 0 Backlog

"Snooze conversation" rule action

Ability to snooze a conversation from rules.
almost 4 years ago in Missing core rule actions 6 Backlog

Request to Increase Recipient Limit for Sequences

For users with a dedicated SMTP server, please consider increasing the cap for sequence recipients beyond the current 200. This would provide a smoother experience and reduce the operational burden for users who regularly communicate with larger c...
over 1 year ago in Outbound/Sequences 0 Backlog

More granular permissions for rule creation

Ability to have more granular permissions when it comes to "rule creation". It would be important to have some rule templates/rule types that certain users can create

Rules action - Merge contacts

Rule action to merge the contact to an existing one (for channels that are not emails, using a different handle like chat).
12 months ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Permission to manage teammate availability status

If a teammate forgets to mark themselves OOO, then it will disrupt the team's workflows and assignment rules. Today, only a company admin or teammate with 'Teammate - Invite/Manage' permission can change another user's OOO status. By adding a new ...

Be able to 'Add Conversation Subscriber' as a rule action

When a Conversation or subset of teammates need management oversight, it would be nice to be able to automatically subscribe a Teammate to a Conversation with rules. Right now, notifications serve as partially good, but when the conversation is be...
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 0 Backlog