Giving users the ability to delete a comment made by a rule. At the moment, only comment owners can remove these comments which means if they are posted by a Front rule, nobody can delete them. We want to give the opportunity for a company and/or ...
Currently, I cannot see more than about 19 characters of the To: emails when creating a Sequence. My organization has many emails that start the same which makes it difficult to select the correct To email for Sequences.
Currenly, we have rules to autoreply to emails. When we are on annual leave and our vacation reponser is set, it still sends the 'rules', so they get our usual autoreponser, in addition to the vacation responser.
As an administrator, I would like to set the following rule: If message received in any inbox AND to OR cc recipients are part of an accountassign message to account owner The reason is we have several vendors and internal notifications that go to...
Would love to have the ability to generate company rules, such as SLAs, company wide but geared towards specific shared inboxes. The intention is to create uniformity in company based rules as opposed to individual shared inbox rules.
Currently the dimensions of the Sequence Edit and New Sequence modal/popup is very narrow and not resizable. When trying to select a From channel for sending, we cut of the ending with ... as a "there is more here" indicator. With dimensions avail...
Admins to be able to select which personal inboxes a Team rule should also apply to directly from the ‘Edit rule’ page (as opposed to having to create separate rules from each personal inbox). For instance, if I want to create a new Team rule in a...