Vacation Responder integration with Calendar Scheduler Plug-in
In order to block off your calendar to clients who use the calendar scheduling plug-in, currently we have to book an out of office event for the full day in our calendar. One recommendation I have is integrating this with the vacation responder, w...
Alias teammate email addresses in rule-set CSV file upload to Teammates in Front When you so a CSV file up-load into a rule-set table, email addresses don't link to Teammates in Front like they do when you do a CSV file upload for Accounts/Contacts. If...
When using a rule to log messages in Hubspot, show that the rule has taken place like with other rules in Front.This was you can be quite sure a message has been logged from Front to Hubspot
When calling the fetch rule API endpoint, you are returned with minimal information (name and actions). It would be more ideal if there was reusable information fields such as which inbox is being impacted (inbox ID) and which tags are being appli...
Out of Office Status for TEAM Inboxes Only (still get personal inbox notifications)
My team needs the ability to be "out of office" for the team inboxes so new replies are unassigned with the ability to still receive notifcations for their personal inbox. Just because someone is done working in a team inbox for the day does not m...
When a request comes in from a known content it would be nice to extract the notes from a contact and paste them into the conversation as a comment so all context stored in a Contact is immediately viewable by the agent. It would save time clickin...
Currently, sequences can only be sent to pre-defined, static groups, or individual email addresses. This would be more flexible if groups could be defined dynamically, such as contacts with certain attributes.