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Core Product Experience

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Set "Reply All" as the default option for everyone in the company

Set "Reply All" as the default option for everyone in the company
about 1 year ago in Composer 0 Backlog

Single-use scheduling link

Ability to have canned, easily accessible scheduling links that have preset conditions/settings, but can only be scheduled once.
over 2 years ago in Scheduling Links 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: strikethrough

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Composer / Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog

Snooze along with teammate

Sometimes I need to snooze an email to the same time as a teammate. When I see "[teammate] snoozed this until [time]" at the bottom of an email, it'd be nice to have the option to click and match that snooze, rather than go over an snooze it manua...
over 1 year ago in Snooze 0 Backlog

Em dash shortcut (—)

Why it's useful: Quicker shortcut than typing Alt + 0151 (fingers don't have to migrate over to numbers pad)Who would benefit: All grammatically savvy and efficient Front users!How would it work: It could operate exactly how it does in Outlook or ...
over 1 year ago in Composer 0 Backlog

Option to turn off profile photos

Give the option to not have to see the profile photos of people who send us emails
over 1 year ago in P3 display 0 Backlog

Calendars shared with google account

Generally it's great. A major drawback is the inability view google calendars shared with my google account. Inability to compress forwarded images is also an issue for me.
over 1 year ago in Schedule - manage your calendar 0 Backlog

Print Conversation function prints/coverts to PDF in full resolution as opposed to a "preview" of included attachments.

Currently only when using the Print Conversation feature (Conversation 3 dot menu > Print) , it also includes the attachments inside the print/convert to PDF. Unfortunately, depending on the document, these "previews" of the attachment are down...
over 1 year ago in Attachments / Printing 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: open and close extended window (double-clicking on an email)

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog

Option to disable auto bullets on "*" or "-" in iOS Mobile App (like on deskstop)

I some cases I paste items which start with "*" or "-" and FrontApp auto formats them to bullets. I want to be able to disable this as I can on the desktop.
over 1 year ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality / Native features 0 Backlog