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Core Product Experience

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Make pinned comments more prominent

Make pinned comments easier to view and access within a conversation so they don't get missed.
10 months ago in Comments / @ mentions 3 Backlog

first time sender allow not allow

Inboxes get so full. A lot of time its marketers. a first time sender filter is a way to keep inbxoes more clean.
10 months ago in Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog

To have a send and unsubscribe option in addition to send and archive or send and snooze.

No description provided
10 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Reoccuring Snoozes / Reminders

It would be great if Front could create a reoccurring snooze or reminder function. Would be great if you need a prompt daily / weekly e.g. pull X report or email customer about upcoming shipment.
over 1 year ago in Snooze 0 Backlog

Different Internal & External Names

Have different Internal and External Seat Names, that way when we send emails, clients always see it's from Tenet Support, but when we need to review which agents send a message, we have separate INternal names, so we can tell.
10 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Allow the ability to toggle off image links upon hover

When one hovers over images in emails, the standard functionality is to show the image link very large and clear. However, image links with many UTMs and/or long URLs often take up way too much space and can affect the browsing experience of the e...
10 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Increase limit for pinned inboxes in sidebar to over 500

If you are using Front as a one stop email service for personal email as well as work, 500 pinned inboxes/folders really isn't enough, especially if you are in sales and break up your prospects/customers into individual pinned tags/inboxes/views. ...
over 1 year ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

Scheduling with another email.

Just like how we can send messages with your company email, please enable the idea that we can send scheduling invites through our company email instead of our own, especially if we use our company's calendar.
10 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Merge convos in different lists

We need to be able to merge conversations that aren't in the same list (ie. merge an "open" with an "assigned" or "archived". Related: would be much more efficient to be able to do this from within an open convo (by searching on ID or subject line).
10 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Ability to resize left nav bar in Admin Settings

From Admin Settings, I cannot view the full workspace name. I'd like the ability to either re-size p1 in Admin Settings or be able to view the full workspace name.
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Settings 0 Backlog