In cases where a move rule is triggered by an action taken by the user, Front jumps you back up to the top of the conversation list instead of keeping you at the spot you were at in the list. The behavior to keep you at your spot in the list alrea...
Link to existing conversation by ID or search dialog
Currently, the only way to link existing conversations is with Mass linking (selecting multiple conversations in the conversation list). Linking existing conversations is impractical and difficult for users if the conversations do not already exis...
Ability to initiate an email message from within an ongoing Discussion. Ideally a colleague can start a discussion, and after we figure things out we can send an email to whatever was the subject, and keep the history of what was discussed.
It would be useful to be able to access the Inbox custom fields when adding template variables into signatures, so that we could have one signature that pulls in inbox-specific information. Right now we use Account custom fields for a similar purp...
When sending a calendar link to a recipient, it would be nice (since this could be a 1 to 1 conversation) to personalize it so their name and email address are already populated, no need to send a generic 'link' where they then have to input their...
Dear Product Team, I am writing to you today to suggest a new feature for our product: the ability to keep the last used signature as the default signature in an email thread. I believe this feature would be a valuable addition to our product for ...