Allow Calendar Time to be entered in 24hr Time Format WITHOUT Colon
Current Calendar Time Can NOT be entered in 24hr Time Format! Many organizations operate on 24hr (Military) time. The current time entry data format requires a ':' to be added between the first two (2) and second two (2) digits of times entered. T...
Availability status (Available, Out of Office, Do Not Disturb, etc) shown next to assignee name when a conversation is already assigned
When assigning to another Front user, their availability status is listed next to their name in the drop down assignment window. However, there is no availability status shown for the assignee once it has been assigned to them - a coloured circle ...
Attach from Front – ability to attach any email or document from anywhere in Front directly in the composer
When composing an email, attaching from anywhere in Front would be useful so that users can query across emails and attachments. Customers are often referencing things in other conversations.
Customize the default time of 'Day & Time' snooze option
As a user who leverages snooze frequently, I'd like to change the 'Day & Time' snooze option to default to when I start my day (at 8am, instead of 9am), after a date is selected. I'd be able to snooze conversations accurately, with less clicks.
When deleting an event with attendees, the "delete calendar event" confirmation modal is unclear if it's going to send a cancellation to attendees or not. I know that it does, but have had users ask if it's going to or if they need to separately n...
Right now, when I am in an inbox, the top shows filtered such as open, archived, and snoozed. I would love to be able to see drafts that are shared with the team with access to the inbox there as well.
Alternate timezone displayed for scheduling confirmation email
Display either the timezone of the client who selected the slot via the scheduling link or display both the timezone of the organiser and the client in the confirmation email.