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Core Product Experience

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Autocorrect spelling when composing emails

No description provided
about 4 years ago in Composer 3 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: change color of text when composing

Shortcut to change font color which runs through the colors using the arrow keys
almost 2 years ago in Composer / Core Product Experience / Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog

Easy "find a time" feature when scheduling with many guests (scheduling assistant)

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Cal/scheduling efficiency 0 Backlog

Allow my customers to add others to the meeting invite when they are booking a meeting

Allow my customers to add others to the meeting invite when they are booking a meeting and not have to wait until the meeting is booked and then adding them after. I want to do though is have the customer input those emails as they fill out the li...
about 2 years ago in Scheduling Links 0 Backlog

Ability to chat with other teammates within Front

Similar to Google Chat which can be used within Gmail, have the ability to chat real-time with other teammates in Front (not including discussions)
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Allow views to be created from Personal Inbox, not just Shared Inbox

Right now you can create a View (basically a saved filter view) but then only select from Shared Inboxes. You should be able to create a filter view and save that view where you can select your Personal Inbox. This is more flexible than Tags, whic...
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Create a calendar invite from an email and automatically put the people on the email as invitees

Would help anyone that needs to create a meeting related to or derived from an email
4 months ago in Calendar - other 0 Backlog

[action] Allow for Dictation inside of Front

Speech-to-text to author content in Front
6 months ago in AI / AI compose / Composer 0 Backlog

Assign uploaded "emoji" icon to a tag in the inbox

When a user assigns an icon to a tag in the inbox, it pulls from the "emoji" gallery. Front currently allows a user to upload custom "emojis," but apparently does not have capability for those uploaded images (emojis) to be assigned to a tag even ...
about 2 years ago in Tags 2 Backlog

Ability to expand and collapse the all-day events section on the calendar to view more than 3 all-day events at once

Today you can only see 3 all-day events at a glance per day. It is not obvious that users need to scroll to see the rest of the all-day events on that day. Suggestion to expand and collapse the top section.
over 2 years ago in Calendar View 1 Backlog