[action] More text transformation for AI Compose (continue writing, explain, summarize, generate actions items...)
Our team loves the new compose with ai tool. It would be awesome to also have the following options within the compose with ai tool so our team can be more effective when communicating with in front. Se images from another platform that has these ...
Initiate an email from a personal address in a shared inbox
I'd like to be able to start an email "in a shared mailbox" but sending from my personal email address/inbox so that any replies show up in the shared mailbox as open/assigned to me. Most of our users communicate with customers using their own ema...
Remove the default "x is using Front, the customer operations platform for exceptional service at scale."
When you want to email guests of a calendar meeting, the following message is always appended to the bottom of the email "x is using Front , the customer operations platform for exceptional service at scale."
Ability to expand and collapse the all-day events section on the calendar to view more than 3 all-day events at once
Today you can only see 3 all-day events at a glance per day. It is not obvious that users need to scroll to see the rest of the all-day events on that day. Suggestion to expand and collapse the top section.