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Core Product Experience

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Linked conversation - New linked request (between 2 inboxes)

Use case: Department A receives a new request (cnv_1) Department A needs to keep cnv_1 in their inbox But department A needs to create a linked conversation to be sent to department B inbox (cnv_2) cnv_2 needs to be linked to cnv_1 cnv_2 needs to ...
about 1 year ago in Linked conversations 1 Backlog

Ability to pin calendars of users who are not in Front

In the left panel of the calendar view, users should be able to pin calendars of arbitrary, non-Front user calendars if they have the permission to view them
almost 2 years ago in Calendar View 0 Backlog

Create a calendar invite from an email and automatically put the people on the email as invitees

Would help anyone that needs to create a meeting related to or derived from an email
5 months ago in Calendar - other 0 Backlog

Ability to view draft revision history

When collaborating with teammates on email drafts, a revision history would allow for worry-free collaboration, keeping drafts of emails from accidentally being deleted. Auto saving drafts every few seconds when composing an email then being able ...
almost 2 years ago in Composer 1 Backlog

Calendar Out of Office / Working Elsewhere

1. Add "show as" options for Out of Office at least - working elsewhere (Outlook offers this) would be nice but not necessary. 2. We would like to mirror the "Out of Office" setting from Gmail calendar in the Front calendar with the possibility to...
over 1 year ago in Calendar View 1 Backlog

Grammarly support in the Message Templates editor

Allow for using Grammarly when creating and editing Message Templates in Settings.
about 2 years ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Add feature to see members of a distribution list

Please add the ability to see members of a distribution group. I understand that distribution groups are fundamentally opposite to how Front works, but only a small portion of our compant uses Front, so we still use distribution groups. Consequent...
over 1 year ago in Accessing / Organizing Data / Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog

Hide inbox from the Move to dropdown

Our instance is growing, and we have more and more inboxes. Some of these inboxes should never have anything moved into them. Other inboxes would be great to limit only to users who have access to the inbox. Would be great if we could provision pe...
over 1 year ago in Collaborate - work together seamlessly 0 Backlog

Add ability to reply to messages in bulk

Many times it may be necessary to reply to multiple messages with the same information (ie a problem ticket is closed and you need to tell each client the issue is resolved). Right now, messages in Front need to be replied to individually. It woul...
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Planned

Keyboard shortcut: Tab to cc field

Would like to be able to move from the "To" field to the "cc" field with the tab key as opposed to having to switch over to mouse, click "cc" in order to open up the field, then click into cc field and type name. The more I can navigate through me...
over 1 year ago in Composer 2 Backlog