Would be great to see Slack reactions in Front, since so many people use reactions to acknowledge messages, and even to mark things as done, or something similar. If possible, allow for reactions in Front, as well, that can be shown in Slack.
Leads are objects in Salesforce that are similar to Contacts - there are fields like phone number. In Salesforce, you can convert a Lead to a Contact or Account, but Front only syncs Contacts and Accounts from SFDC at the moment
Allow user to disable email notifications for failed Hubspot / Salesforce contact sync
While there has been a sync error, for us it's not the end of the world. Therefore if there are some sync errors we really don't need the daily notification email warning us.
Bring Shopify data (orders, customers and products) so we can use it (not just a visual in a side window). For example, creating rules and tags based off Shopify tags would be amazing. We use tags in Shopify extensively and would love our conversa...