Sidebar table of contents navigation for knowledge base home page
Instead of having readers click through boxes of categories, let them scroll through a list of categories and nested categories from the home page. Often used for technical documentation.
Remove internal usage from Knowledge Base analytics
It would be great to see KB anaytics without including any of our Users that are signed into Front when they view the articles. This would help us to see only the data from what our Customers are viewing/searching/clicking on
Make certain sections, categories and articles on the Front Knowledge Base locked so only certain people can edit them
We have our HR policies on our knowledge base as well as team specific processes and information for training etc, and we have had to revoke certain knowledge base content creator's access to edit their team specific processes because we do not wa...
KB - Publish the same article or section across multiple knowledge bases
First of all - loving it. I'd like to be able to have a section of content shared across multiple KB's that also each have custom content. I will have about 8 distinct user groups in Front and I'd love to be able to keep the general "getting start...
Customer wants the ability to embed their public-facing KB to their website, and then be able to search articles directly in their website. If the public API included search functionality, this would be doable
Separate KBs for different workspaces or teammate groups
We have several different departments using Front. Each department handles different things and may handle things differently than other departments. For instance, I lead the Contact Center WFM team and we have several procedures in place for how ...
Knowledge base: put title of article in url (instead of article id number)
For SEO and UX purposes put the title of article in the URL. For instance: instead of
We would love to have the option to add GIFs to our Knowledge Base articles. An option similar to the already existing one in the Discussions chat field would be an amazing addition.