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Return search suggestion matching exactly query when quotation "" are used

Typing "fee" in the search bar should return only or at least at the top, suggestions for "fee" and not more like "feedback". Should be the case for tags at least.
about 1 year ago in Suggestions 0 Backlog

Search for currency

Description: Not able to search for `$300.00` because we consider `$300.00` as `300.00` it's a single term. Searching for `300.00` works. Request: support monetary symbol and number format for currency We are trying to search with 1,282.15Proper f...
over 2 years ago in Matching 0 Backlog

[Tags] Search for nested tags when searching for a parent tag

Being able to return results from nested tags when searching for a parent tags.
about 2 years ago in Find the result I'm looking for 0 Backlog

Apply the scope of a filter to the last message of a conversation (e.g before:last-week)

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Filters 0 Backlog

Support boolean Search (x OR y)

Description: The search returns results matching all the words in my query and filters. Request: I would like to be able to find conversation matching one filter or another one; like: body:test OR subject:test-email
almost 4 years ago in Matching 0 Backlog

Universal Search across tools

Description: As a Front user I search across multiple tools to do my job and answer the requests I receive. Things like I search for a conversation in Front I search for contact information in my CRM I search for a knowledge base article in my kno...
almost 2 years ago in Search 0 Backlog

Save search location change even if no search is submitted

I constantly find myself changing the default search target from "All inboxes" to "Inbox". I can't think of a case to always want to search all teams I have access to. I think the default should be the current hierarchy and it should remember if I...
almost 2 years ago in Search location 2 Backlog

Filter out notifications emails from search results

Description: Notifications can be overwhelming in search results. it would be great if possible to filter them out either with a filter or automatically with no action from teammates.
over 3 years ago in Search Results 0 Backlog