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Ability to resize and filter columns in accounts manager

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Accounts Manager / Contacts 4 Backlog

Ability to import & sync Apple Contacts

As a new user I'd really love to be able to import my existing Apple contacts into Front via the Apple vCard (.vcf) export file.
almost 2 years ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

HubSpot plugin - prevent logging to teammates' HubSpot contact records

When using HubSpot plugin, Front logs all emails, sent and received, to your teams' contact records. We don't need these logs on our own contact records. I would love for the HubSpot logging to skip logging to contacts in your own domain, or at le...
almost 2 years ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

create a recipient folder in Front to re-use the same list for a sequence

instead of importing everytime a new recipient list, being able to re-use the same list through a folder in sequences.
almost 2 years ago in Contacts / Outbound/Sequences 1 Backlog

Recognizing the same phone number for a contact with and without dashes

Correctly recognize contact phone numbers with numbers only and with dashes Aircall vs Front data example:Data is being sent over from Aircall, and people have to manually combine phone numbers for the same contact.
almost 2 years ago in Contact data model 0 Backlog

Export Contacts - Send Email with Link to Download

I am requesting an email with a link to download my export. Reason: i have a lot of contacts and the export takes several hours, if I refresh the page, close the page by accident or forget the export and go back to the contacts page my export is n...
almost 2 years ago in Export 0 Backlog

Ability to update external ID on an Account

External ID can be set when you create an account but afterwards there is no way to update it, this would be incredibly helpful if we could update the external id.
11 months ago in Accounts Manager / Core API 1 Backlog

Remove Twitter and Twitter DM as a default field for a Contact

Twitter is pretty much a redundant platform and these default fields for a Contact are unnecessary clutter for the vast majority of Contacts.
almost 2 years ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

Allow for multiselect in custom field dropdown

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

Ability to filter specific contacts from several different lists to send an email to

For example if I had list A and list B and I wanted to quickly send an email to only the contacts that were on both lists, that would be extremely helpful to our team.
almost 2 years ago in Contacts 1 Backlog