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Support Snooze activities in Intercom

When snoozing a conversation in an Intercom channel in Front, this is synced to Intercom as "Archived" which is not intended. Request is to support Snooze activities fully in both systems.
over 1 year ago in Intercom 0 Backlog

Typing Indicator in Intercom integration

When using Intercom directly through their site, as an admin handling customer messages you will see a typing indicator when the customer is typing. This is helpful to see if the customer is typing more, so if you should wait for them to finish be...
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations / Intercom 0 Backlog

Intercom Source Urls should be visible in Front

In Intercom, every message has a 'Source URL'. This is the page the use is currently on when they sent the message. This essentially tells you what they are asking about, when they open a live chat and ask a question. Front doesn't show this infor...
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations / Intercom 1 Backlog