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Variable/tag for displaying assigned teammate's name within a message

Many times we answer messages on behalf of our colleagues. In these cases, we manually change the name within the signature into the name of the assigned colleague for who we are answering the e-mail. Front has the option to make signature templat...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Signatures 0 Backlog

Allow Inbox custom fields in signatures

It would be useful to be able to access the Inbox custom fields when adding template variables into signatures, so that we could have one signature that pulls in inbox-specific information. Right now we use Account custom fields for a similar purp...
over 1 year ago in Signatures 1 Backlog

Allow bulk updates to append messages to signatures

We would like to be able to add a company wide message to each teammate signature without having to edit each one individually. This would be useful for office closings or other announcements that should go out with each email.
about 1 year ago in Signatures 0 Backlog

Conditional signatures to set details based on directory contacts

Can we look at being able to use if-statements in company wide signatures? We currently use Exclaimer which allows us to set picture and detail information based on various information in the Azure directory. The logos and pictures live in Exclaim...
about 2 years ago in Signatures 0 Backlog

Allow Email Signatures for Calendar Event

Allow the use of Email signatures that can be used for standard emails to be addable to the email body when creating a calendar event. At the moment you have to type in a "Kind Regards..." manual. This looks unprofessional.
about 1 year ago in Create New Event / Signatures 0 Backlog

Add variables for scheduling links in signatures

We have a hacky workaround for this using Teammate custom fields, but we'd love to be able to include a user's scheduling link in a signature via a variable (perhaps this also requires a way for a user to specify a default scheduling link?)
over 1 year ago in Scheduling Links / Signatures 0 Backlog

Ability to set signature for external vs internal domains

Automatically apply a specific signature based on the recipient of a message instead of having to change it manually when drafting.
about 2 years ago in Signatures 1 Backlog