It would be useful to be able to access the Inbox custom fields when adding template variables into signatures, so that we could have one signature that pulls in inbox-specific information. Right now we use Account custom fields for a similar purp...
When adding an attachment, I always have to choose between 'computer' and 'google drive'. I never use Google Drive. It would be nice to be able to configure this. I bet some teams would also love to see Dropbox as an option here. Not me though, I ...
Allow bulk updates to append messages to signatures
We would like to be able to add a company wide message to each teammate signature without having to edit each one individually. This would be useful for office closings or other announcements that should go out with each email.
Attach from Front – ability to attach any email or document from anywhere in Front directly in the composer
When composing an email, attaching from anywhere in Front would be useful so that users can query across emails and attachments. Customers are often referencing things in other conversations.
In message templates, when using a dynamic variable I can create a fallback variable or text. I would like to have two fallback options, one being another variable, and a second fallback being text.