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Live Chat

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Improved notifications when new Front Chat messages are received

Improvements to further differentiate Front Chat notifications from notifications for other channels like email
about 3 years ago in Live Chat 0 Already available

Show what Front Chat visitors are typing before they've sent their message

No description provided
about 3 years ago in Live Chat 1 Backlog

Front Chat: Control when a welcome message is sent to user (like every time a visitor visits a page)

No description provided
about 3 years ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Customize sound (volume and type) of notification

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Desktop / Live Chat / Notifications 0 Backlog

Customize the timezone for the Front Chat "notify me" email - currently there is a hard-coded timezone

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Front Chat localization to support different languages

Localization in the chat widget to support different languages. Includes text & buttons in the collect customer details step in the chatbot flow, the "Start new conversation" button after the chatbot auto-archives the flow, and more.
over 3 years ago in Live Chat 13 Planned

Front Chat availability indicators for volume and wait time

Ability to give chat visitors indication around when they will get a response (e.g., wait time, queue position, high-volume moments, etc.)
almost 4 years ago in Live Chat 1 Backlog