Change the color of a newly created inbox/team inbox
Hi, Using the API to create a new inbox/team inbox. It would be so helpful to enable the ability to change the color in the settings of the item. Similar to what is already enabled when creating a tag, using the highlight attribute.
In-app (click able links) to conversations provided by API responses
you should put the conversation id in the response of the create draft endpoint (and other endpoint like create message) directly. I had to extract it out of the url `_links.related.conversation`. It would have been better to extract it out of the...
I've noticed that quoting messages in replies isn't supported for Telegram and WhatsApp via Front. Replies sent through Front don't show the "in reply to message" format, unlike direct replies from personal Telegram on mobile, leading to them appe...
Provide simpler way to compute the user hash automatically
Instead of requiring that a user hash be computed based on HMAC-SHA256, expose some API devs can call to automatically generate this based when the verifications ecret is passed in.
AppleScript is a scripting language created by Apple Inc. that facilitates automated control over scriptable Mac applications. First introduced in System 7, it is currently included in all versions of macOS as part of a package of system automatio...