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Conversion rates between stages, tags ..

Request : I would like to understand the conversion rate between conversation stages using tags. Use cases: understand the n umber of quotes received and the conversion rate of these quotes
6 months ago in Breakdowns and totals / Conversation Stages 0 Backlog

CES: Customer Effort Score - Analytic metric

Description of the Feature: The Customer Effort Score (CES) is a critical metric for assessing the ease with which customers can interact with a support team to resolve their issues. It is a survey post-interaction with customers asking something ...
8 months ago in Metrics 1 Backlog

Global Inbox Inactivity Period

The ability to set a global inactivity period for all inboxes. At present Close conversation segment if inactive for can only be set on a per inbox basis. Creates a massive manual lift if a company needs to mass update all their inboxes.
12 months ago in Analytics - Conversation origin and journey 0 Backlog

Split "Archived without reply" metric between inbound and outbound conversations

In order to differentiate between "conversations where customer did not reply to us " and "conversations where we did not reply to the customer"
over 1 year ago in Metrics - misc improvements 1 Backlog

Track click links

I would like the abiliity to see an open rate of links we send in our emails to customers. We will be using a small set of links in our signature to all customers. The links will be to promote certain products in our business. I would like to know...
over 1 year ago in Metrics / Outbound analytics 0 Backlog

New metric: first reply handle time

In Analytics, measure handle time for first reply only
over 1 year ago in Analytics - Times 0 Backlog

Report on individual tags

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Analytics - Breakdown - Tags 0 Backlog

Track calendar/shift/business hour in time metrics at all times

Instead of tracking only one timer we should track for all our timers: - Calendar hours (actual time that passes) - Business hours (time within business hours) - Shift hours (time when the teammate was shifted, which can be different from business...
over 2 years ago in Business Hours and time measure 0 Backlog

Configure business hours and shifts as a calendar

Instead of "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri", be able to say "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri, except on Dec 25, Jan 1, etc". This allows to take plan for holidays, teammate PTOs, company events, etc.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Calendar - other / OOO - Analytics 7 Backlog

Add internal discussions to Analytics

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Metrics by type 0 Backlog