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Created by Guest
Created on Nov 3, 2023

Ability for "branch by keywords" option in Chatbot to answer more than one question at once

In a chatbot conversation flow, if I have two keyword sets included in a "branch by keywords" step:
1. "dog; pet; cat"

2. "early check in; late check out"

And a client using the chatbot answers an open-ended question with:
"can I bring my dog? how do I request early check in?"

The chatbot should be able to supply the client with the answers (for example, the message that follows that specific keyword set) to BOTH questions, since they both use keywords.

For example:

If the next step after the keyword "dog; pet; cat" is a message from the bot saying "Sorry, we do not allow pets."
If the next step after the keyword "early check in; late check out" is a message from the bot saying "You can request late check out or early check in here: LINK"

Again, if a client using the chatbot answers an open-ended question with:
"can I bring my dog? how do I request early check in?"

They should receive both in two separate messages:
"Sorry, we do not allow pets."
"You can request late check out or early check in here: LINK"

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