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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2023

[KB access control] Enable external login access for knowledge bases

Today, internal KBs can only be accessed by users logged in to Front. External KBs can be accessed by anyone with the link. We do not support custom authentication for readers to access either of these KBs.

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  • Admin
    Yiting Zheng
    Oct 21, 2024

    Thank you all! We recently built this feature and are starting Beta now. Our engineering team would be able to provide dedicated integration support for our Beta customers. If you are interested in joining Beta, can you please reach out to your relationship manager or to Front support?

  • Guest
    May 10, 2024

    This is pretty much the only thing stopping our team from going all in on Front. We want publish our help center and make it accessible only to our users, not to the entire world (ie our competitors!). I imagine many other Front customers are in the same boat.

    Having such a 'protected' Front knowledge base would then encourage us to similarly go all in ($$) on Front's AI chatbot both in our app and for L1 auto-responses — we wouldn't ever do this though until we can feed it a knowledge base we know is protected for only our customers to see.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Dec 20, 2023

    I second the request.
    We have a different use case scenario but the same principle applies.

    On Intercom,one can make articles accessible to people who are logged in to our B2B saas platform.

    We need 3 different access levels.
    1) Front users

    2) Clients logging in using SSO via Okta ( or similar tool)

    3) Publicly available to the internet.

  • Guest
    Nov 27, 2023

    Many organizations, including our own, will have a mixture of Front and non-Front users. Making internal knowledge bases ONLY accessible to Front users is a Deal Breaker.

    It would be better for an organization like ours to invest in a 3rd-party knowledge base platform, and make it available via a side panel, than try to make a hobbled, low-feature Front knowledge base work, and still need to use separate knowledge base solution to fill in the gaps.

  • Guest
    Nov 23, 2023

    can see that you have only 2 options :

    • Internal to our users

    • Public

    ideas: It would be great to have another option:

    • Kind of a auth api, that we could authenticate our users, so they can get access to the knowledge center. I can understand that this could be complicated to setup.

    • Or maybe much simpler, like youtube does with videos - The video is not "public" so we cannot search for it, BUT we can embed it. So we could embed the knowledge center inside our SaaS application - with maybe a domain restriction.

  • Guest
    Sep 28, 2023

    This would be really useful because it would broaden the uses of Knowledge Base!


Block knowledge base behind a login

Creating a public knowledge base that is only accessible to users with a login.
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Launched