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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 12, 2023

Create a discussion with a teammate Group

Today, to start a discussion with a group of people, you need to type out each of their names to add them as participants. This can be cumbersome when the intention is to start a discussion with a large group of people. A possible solution customers have asked about is using Teammate Groups as a way to invite people to discussions en masse.

Open question - do the participants of the conversation need to stay up to date as the members of the teammate Group changes?

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  • Guest
    Jan 20, 2024

    We made a work around for this.
    We made a tag like "CSM channel" and then that tag notify people that we have setup in that rule.
    So we make a discussion and send it to ourselves and then tag with the "channel tag" we want to use.
    We killed Slack in this way. So we only need to focus on one app.

  • Guest
    Aug 8, 2023

    we have found a way to solve this one internally.

    I have a rule set up to notify teammates when an inbound email arrives, when a messages is moved and is in the shared inbox.

    Then when I’ve composed a discussion, I only add my name so I can draft it first, then I drag and drop the discussion over the team inbox I want to share it with, and the rules will notify all whom I’ve set up to get a notify “shared with me”

    If they have access to the shared inbox but have not been listed as a notified party, it will still give them visibility, on their own accord.

    Let me know if this has helped?

  • Guest
    Feb 24, 2023

    In response to your open question "do the participants of the conversation need to stay up to date with the members of the Group?"

    I personally don't see a reason for this, especially if that reopens old conversations to the new member's inbox. If groups were also taggable, retag the group to add all current members to a discussion.

  • Guest
    Feb 24, 2023

    Follow up suggestion, allow groups to be taggable in conversations. I know why it doesn't currently exist, but most teams (in my business) are 3-8 people. Most of the time, we know exactly who to tag & ask questions to. But sometimes, we don't. Sometimes we just need to throw the net out there & see who bites. Sometimes a message is urgent and we just need anyone to respond.

    Optionally: For convenience, directly next to a group tag - if you're part of the group that's been tagged - add a selection of some sort to "unsubscribe as a participant." It can either be a button explicitly worded as such, or as simple as an icon with hoverable help text.

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