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Keyboard shortcuts

Showing 25

Keyboard shortcut: handle attachments

It would be great if it was possible to add an attachment with a keyboard shortcut.
over 1 year ago in Attachments / Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: reset style / format

keyboard shortcut to remove text formatting
almost 2 years ago in Composer / Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: use keyboard arrows to move from P2 to P3 to scroll down P3

Keyboard users scrolling down P2 using the down arrow would like to move to P3 using the right arrow to then use the down arrow to view whole email if too long to fit to view
over 1 year ago in Keyboard shortcuts / Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: merge conversations

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Keyboard shortcuts / Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: send later

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Keyboard shortcuts / Snooze 3 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: strikethrough

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Composer / Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: open and close extended window (double-clicking on an email)

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcuts: Change Canned Response Shortcut command+shift+5 to something that isn't the same shortcut for a screen record on Mac.

Your current canned response shortcut is command+shift+5. This is the same exact shortcut as a screen record on Mac computers. I have disabled the screen record shortcut on my Mac for this reason. We often need to screen record for tech purposes.
about 1 year ago in Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog

Custom Hotkeys / Specific Tag Hotkeys

Sorting through emails and adding tags takes multiple clicks, should be able to assign a tag with 1 button. Furthermore, we should be able to edit hotkeys to our preference vs the few standard preset options.
about 1 year ago in Keyboard shortcuts / Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut to focus draft

When you are viewing a long email thread, it can be useful to jump to your draft and looking up some information
over 1 year ago in Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog