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CSAT: Identify Submitter

We would like a way for Admins to be able to see who the response came from.
8 months ago in CSAT 0 Backlog

Allow company name to be updated in CSAT survey URL

No description provided
8 months ago in CSAT - Customisation - survey - Link 0 Backlog

Track click links

I would like the abiliity to see an open rate of links we send in our emails to customers. We will be using a small set of links in our signature to all customers. The links will be to promote certain products in our business. I would like to know...
about 2 years ago in Metrics / Outbound analytics 0 Backlog

Hide CSAT links on WhatsApp conversations

Hide survey links sent in Whatsapp conversations to prevent teammates from filling out the CSAT survey for themselves.

Conversion rates between stages, tags ..

Request : I would like to understand the conversion rate between conversation stages using tags. Use cases: understand the n umber of quotes received and the conversion rate of these quotes
about 1 year ago in Breakdowns and totals / Conversation Stages 0 Backlog

Add "source inbox" to the event payloads for Move events

As a developer I sometimes need to see the source inbox of a move (i.e. see which inbox a conversation was moved from in addition to the inbox it was moved to.

Comment-triggered transitions for conversation stages

No description provided
10 months ago in Conversation Stages 0 Will not do

Open all conversations of metrics details with a P2+P3 UI

I want to be able to access a list of conversions directly in the inbox, so that I can navigate faster between them and take action on them
5 months ago in Analytics - Widgets - timeline 0 Backlog

Aggregate metrics by median/percentiles, not only averages

No description provided
almost 3 years ago in Analytics - Times - max min median 0 Backlog

Analytics based on info created after a segment is closed

At the moment, our Analytics paradigm is that you report based on context at event time (or events happening within the Analytics segment). After that segment is closed you cannot update that data anymore. For instance, you cannot add a tag and re...
about 2 years ago in Analytics - filters - General improvments 0 Backlog