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My ideas: Workflows

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"Move message to a new conversation" rule action

The ability to create a rule to split conversations will be useful for users that utilize the conversation threading option and have some recurrent emails arriving on the same thread for different reasons. Today customers are forced to split those...
over 1 year ago in Workflows 3 Launched

Rule action to mute unsubscribe conversation

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Missing core rule actions 7 Launched

Planned vacation overriding Shifts

Admin have to edit shifts each time a teammate goes on vacation. This makes it impossible to leverage Shifts above a few dozen teammates (you have to edit them every single day to account for every single PTO). To avoid this needless management wo...
over 2 years ago in Teammate availability 4 Launched

"Create draft" rule action

Start a draft from rules that can be reviewed by humans and sent later.
over 3 years ago in Missing core rule actions 0 Launched

Forward Action in Company Rules

Enable the "Forward to" action in custom rules at the Company Rule Level - currently only available in Workspace level rules.
over 1 year ago in Company rules 0 Launched