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Categories Workflows
Created by Guest
Created on May 10, 2023

"Move message to a new conversation" rule action

The ability to create a rule to split conversations will be useful for users that utilize the conversation threading option and have some recurrent emails arriving on the same thread for different reasons.

Today customers are forced to split those emails manually, and would like to create a rule that will allow this task to be automatic.

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  • Guest
    Aug 8, 2024

    This happens a lot for our clients who use one thread for multiple topics. A rule for splitting would erase a lot of manual effort that our team is faced with.

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2023

    this has been happenning to us because our clients keep using the same thread but changing the subject line on their end. but on our end it is in the same thread. So this will be really helpful!

  • Guest
    Aug 9, 2023

    How can a particular thread be spplited into independent emails?