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Support more than 4 recipients for seen receipts

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Other (Systems) 0 Backlog

Add phrase to channel deletion message regarding draft deletion

Users are not notified that drafts are deleted when a channel is removed from Front. A message should be added that drafts will be deleted as well.
almost 2 years ago in Channel management 0 Backlog

allow to attach images in Sunshine Conversations chat

Currently you can send images from Sunshine Conversations chat to Frontapp, but not vice versa. Our support agents can not send images to customers who require our support.
almost 2 years ago in Other channels 0 Backlog

Drag discussion threads into Microsoft folders

Filing of discussions in shared drives
almost 2 years ago in Two-way sync 1 Backlog

Customise Twilio sender address

We would like the ability to customise the sender field when sending via Twilio. For example, we would like to send out some messages with our Company Name as the sender rather than the phone number. For Twilio this is a matter of setting the From...
almost 2 years ago in Twilio 0 Backlog

Automated Subject Line for Emails - "Shared" from Microsoft Product

When a document was "shared" from a Microsoft product such as Word/Excel, Outlook automatically would populate the subject line of an email based upon the document name. This behavior is a time saver when emailing standardized documents/reports, a...
about 2 years ago in Systems 0 Backlog