For messages sent/received with O365's native encryption feature, allow the content to be decrypted and viewed without leaving Front. Similarly, allow encrypted messages to be sent from Front which can be decrypted by appropriate O365 users.
Live Chat, partner/custom channels: Ability to reply to message
It would be nice to have the ability to reply to a specific message so that your recipient knows exactly which message you are referring too (like Front comments for instance). This would be helpful for non-email channels like Front Chat, social m...
Set default attachment size for custom SMTP channel
Outbound mail we send via Front is routed via our custom SMTP server. We have a high attachment size limit (higher than Front's default ~25MB limit). I would like the option to set a default attachment size limit for new channels created in my tea...
Hi everyone! I am very impressed by what Front has accieved, and found myself doing my full-blown migration from Outlook today! I was however surprised to find out that I can't get the history from my SMTP adresses - and there is no way to use PST...
0365 APP KEY authorisation for shared channel set up
The ability to authorise shared O365 channels via an O365 app token instead of going through our current flow which uses delegated permissions via OAUTH. From 0365: Delegated Permissions . Enables your client app to perform operations on behalf of...