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Triage - get to inbox 0

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Add an option to individually sorting the different status tabs of an inbox

We would be interested in having the option to have individual sorting orders for the different status tabs of an inbox, for example, being able to sort the assigned tickets oldest-to-newest, but having the archive status be simultaneously sorting...
4 months ago in P2 display - conversation list 0 Backlog

Create the ability to pin a tag

My customer, Rubil, from UNF requested a feature idea to be able to "pin" certain tags so that they show at the top of the tag dropdown when manually adding a tag to a conversation
5 months ago in Tags 0 Backlog

Log timeline activity on conversation subject being manually changed

My team spotted a couple of cases where the subject of a message did not align with the conversation subject; it turns out someone on the team manually edited the conversation subject. To make cases like this clearer, it would be useful to have a ...
5 months ago in P3 display 0 Backlog

Improve visual difference between comments and messages

With the new redesign, particularly for SMS and WhatsApp channels, the internal comments vs actual messages are visually very similar and difficult to distinguish. This is particularly true for our SMS and WhatsApp channels.
11 months ago in P3 display 0 Backlog

Allow multiple people assigned to one conversation

We are a large organization where we have multiple teams working in parallel with multiple stakeholders, there are times when two individuals from two different teams have to be responsible and responding on the same ticket. Understand there is th...
11 months ago in Assigning 4 Backlog

Remain on the last selected email when going back to the inbox

If I click on the Send folder then go back to the Inbox, the inbox should not automatically select the newest email, it should remain on the last email that was selected in the Inbox
12 months ago in P2 display - conversation list 1 Backlog

first time sender allow not allow

Inboxes get so full. A lot of time its marketers. a first time sender filter is a way to keep inbxoes more clean.
about 1 year ago in Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog

Show 1st messages in the thread

Same way that currently there is a button to scroll down to the most recent conversation, I would like to have a button to scroll up to the 1st conversation in the thread.
about 1 year ago in P3 display 0 Backlog

"Private public" tags as a feature

Currently, the only tag types are Private tags (that only the individual can see) or Public tags (that everyone with access to the conversation can see). It would be a cool feature to have "Private public tags," which would be public tags that onl...
about 1 year ago in Tags 0 Backlog

Last snooze time added to snooze list

Would it be possible to add a feature for Snoozing? Ideally it would be great to automatically add the same date that you last snoozed an item to the list. For example, if I have a follow up call on a certain day, I like to snooze prior emails to ...
about 1 year ago in Snooze 0 Backlog