[context] AI to "understand" images (summary, similar conversation, tagging, suggested replies & AI answer ...)
Request: AI features to be multi-modal, meaning they could understand images within the content they are based on. For example, SimilarConversation could recommend a conversation that includes a similar image, AI tagging could classify content bas...
[scale] Increase AI tag limit (allow more than 10 per inbox)
We should increase or ultimately remove the limit of 10 AI tags per inbox to allow Support teams to unlock more automated workflows and accelerate deflection. Support team uses dozens/hundreds of tags to categorize Support inquiry possible, so onl...
[core] AI tagging to support a default "other" tag
"Other" tag: It would be nice that if the AI tagging couldn't find a matching tag, that it would automatically apply an "Other" category tag. That allows up to review and account for new categories or potentially a need to re-train the AI tags. Po...
[core] AI Tagging - Only apply one tag from the list
Only of tag from the list selected in the rule can be applied. This would be an option similar to required tagging rule (see attached file) The closed tag is the one to be applied (context shared with Robert live).