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[language] AI summarize in different languages

Be able to specify the language of the Summary.
over 1 year ago in AI / AI language / AI summary 0 Backlog

[measure] Analytics on AI feature usage (in API, in product)

Situation: Today, except for AI and chat, there is no way of actually knowing how AI features are used by users for an admin. Request: Let admins know how AI features are used by their teams: be able to extract this information through an API if n...
over 1 year ago in AI / AI tracking 0 Backlog

[channel] AI Compose for SMS, Chat, custom

No description provided
over 1 year ago in AI / AI compose 2 Backlog

AI composer in templates

When creating templates, have the AI composer there to help create better templates
over 1 year ago in AI / Message templates 0 Backlog

[context] AI summarize available in discussions

This would be incredibly beneficial to summarize the content of a discussion. I work within a multi-lingual team so it would also be great to summarize and translate a conversation as the current "Summarize with AI" does with email threads
almost 2 years ago in AI / AI summary 0 Backlog

Safety nets for agents

This is an entire family of workflows around "I want to prevent something in special circumstances" Identified use cases: - Select a default channel in certain cases (i.e. "you have to use the risk@ channel by default when in the risk inbox") - Bl...
almost 4 years ago in AI / AI angel (QA before sending) / Other (workflows) 0 Backlog