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[UX] Better conversation preview for Similar Conversations

I wish to better understand if a similar conversation is a good one, so I can open it up and get the answer I need. I need to quickly see what a conversation is about. What about seeing a Similar Conversation answer, which is a text saying why thi...
7 months ago in AI / AI similar conversations 0 Backlog

Access runbooks, SOPs, checklists in the conversation

Often times, our staff needs to reference checklists and SOPs that guide them on how to resolve a customer request or to perform an assigned task that came into a shared inbox. Often times our teams have to go to an outside system to find the SOPs...

[language] Summarise conversations in a specific language

The ability to always summarise a conversation in a specific language not just the language the conversation is in.
8 months ago in AI / AI language / AI settings / AI summary 0 Backlog

Automatice dynamic object extraction

I would love to know if/when NLP and LLMs will be available for dynamic object extraction. Currently the feature is pretty limited by the user providing an exact match, which isn’t great for a white glove customer experience.
over 1 year ago in AI / AI data extraction / Dynamic objects 0 Backlog

[measure] Analytics on AI feature usage (in API, in product)

Situation: Today, except for AI and chat, there is no way of actually knowing how AI features are used by users for an admin. Request: Let admins know how AI features are used by their teams: be able to extract this information through an API if n...
over 1 year ago in AI / AI tracking 0 Backlog

AI Compose on Mobile App

The AI composer features are a great enhancement and would be even more helpful if they were available in the mobile app.
10 months ago in AI / Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

AI composer in templates

When creating templates, have the AI composer there to help create better templates
almost 2 years ago in AI / Message templates 0 Backlog