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Context Links should contain conversation attributes

Context links are great and we use the time. It would be fantastic if they could be used to transport information from front into the linked system, most critically conversationID or messageID. This could happen via an amended query string or via ...
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Stop reopening mails, just because an out of office notitification is received internally

Prevent a conversation from being reopened just because an out-of-office notification is received internally?
over 1 year ago in Triage - get to inbox 0 / Vacation responders 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: use keyboard arrows to move from P2 to P3 to scroll down P3

Keyboard users scrolling down P2 using the down arrow would like to move to P3 using the right arrow to then use the down arrow to view whole email if too long to fit to view
over 1 year ago in Keyboard shortcuts / Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog

Customize chatbot flow based on chat visitor geographic location

Ability to customize the chatbot flow and serve a different flow to chat visitors based on their geographic location. For example, many companies only service particular regions or countries. It would be great if the chatbot could determine a user...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Assign Dates to Messages / Turn Messages into Calendar Events

It would be incredible to "assign dates" to messages that come into Front. Similar to "snooze to this time", it would be better/best if there was a "due at this time" functionality. AND, if it could easily integrate with the calendar. Similar and ...
over 1 year ago in Calendar View / Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog

To be able to bookmark where you are in a shared mailbox

If you are scrolling through messages in a shared mailbox, and you get a notification into your personal inbox of a message, when you then click on your personal inbox to read the email and then afterwards go back to the shared mailbox, you lose y...
over 1 year ago in Navigate - find your work 0 Backlog

Prevent messages from sending based on customer list (SMS channel)

SMS channels require strict compliance rules, including preventing any messages sent to customers if they've opted out. We are able to put customers on a 'do not contact' customer list but we aren't able to ensure that messages are not sent to the...
over 1 year ago in Twilio 0 Backlog

Create an appointment from an email

Be able to create an appointment from an email and info from the email is automatically populated in the email. It could also add the person who sent the email as a guest or guest suggestion.
over 1 year ago in Cal/scheduling efficiency 0 Backlog

Api access to teammate status

the green, orange and red dot should be accessible via the api on the teammate object
over 1 year ago in Core API 2 Backlog

Separate Internal Comments From Email Thread

We would like a view that separates the internal chat comments from the email threads, a view to partition the two separately. Right now we have chats between internal users intertwined within the email thread and it looks cumbersome. Our ag...
over 1 year ago in Comments / @ mentions 0 Backlog