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Ability to always show the quoted message history

The toggle message quote feature when sending an email by clicking the 3 dots (...) We would like to set this so this email trail is permanently extended when receiving an email instead of this information being hidden. This has caused us to miss ...
12 months ago in  0 Backlog

Allow Email Signatures for Calendar Event

Allow the use of Email signatures that can be used for standard emails to be addable to the email body when creating a calendar event. At the moment you have to type in a "Kind Regards..." manual. This looks unprofessional.
12 months ago in Create New Event / Signatures 0 Backlog

Integration with Tengella

Our company uses a Tengella as an ERP system We need integration with Front to be able to create contacts in Tengella after triggering rules in Front, receive information from Tengella, update custom contact fields with infor...
12 months ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Right click on Front App icon to activate shortcuts

Outlook includes a feature in which you Right-Click on the icon in your taskbar, and a list of shortcut options will appear. This allows a user to create an email, meeting, appointment, contact, etc. without needing to open the app itself. Screens...
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Telegram Channel — support composing new inbounds (not just replying)

Ability to start a new conversation by composing an outbound Telegram message from Front. Currently, the Telegram channel only supports replying to inbound messages.
almost 2 years ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Sync Shopify Customers as Front Contacts

I want to be able to view full customer conversation history. Our phone system has their number and dumps those sms transcripts into our email inbox. If shopify had synced the contacts with front contacts, then this would work perfectly!
almost 2 years ago in Contacts 1 Backlog

Collapse Dynamic Object Previewer

While configuring advanced dynamic objects with the customer, when a successful Fetch from server or successful parse of the payload is done, the green previewer is extremely long and difficult to see if the payload is large . One recommendation i...
12 months ago in Dynamic objects 0 Backlog

Add mailbox setting option to order the conversations/emails above the thread w/preview pane below

This is request is to be able to customize mailbox layout similar to GMail, MS Outlook, YahooMail, or other email clients to have message preview reading pane on the bottom rather than to the right of message list.
12 months ago in Other (CPX) 1 Backlog

Add Attachment from Google Drive (Shared Inboxes)

In addition to My Drive, Shared with Me & Upload can we add the ability to see Shared Drives folders and files.
12 months ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Show recently opened KB articles on conversation from a contact

Help support agents identify the types of KB articles that a contact has interacted with.
12 months ago in  0 Backlog