Frontline users can see rule logic with view-only access
This will help with transparency as to how/why messages are getting assigned to them or not. This could be managed with a view-only permission for custom roles.
Some custom fields are meant to be used by rules or automations only, and not be manually edited by users. How could we allow admins to prevent certain custom fields being manually edited?
Allow to set a value to the reply-to email header when creating a new email - at least when we create that email through api :
Allow multiple periods of business hours in a single day
It would be great to be able to split business hours between morning and afternoon times to ensure SLAs and response times don't get impacted by team unavailability during lunch
Allow company branding to replace loading screens and placeholders
Front has jokes and graphics on loading pages and empty panes. It would be really nice to be able to disable or rebrand the messages and images for the company.