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My ideas: Admin Experience

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Move team inboxes to a different workspace

As teams grow on Front sometimes they need to expand from a single workspace into multiple workspaces. That process is extremely difficult and ad hoc.
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Workspaces 0 Backlog

Custom Role and Permissions at the Company Level

The ability to give custom admin access without giving full company permissions.
8 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Backlog

Support multiple windows in Desktop app

To make admin work easier and allow to quickly jump from rules to a specific conversations for instance.
5 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Teammate statuses selection

Hi, As per suggestion from the Front's User Support Team, I post this idea. It might be a good idea, as we have a situation where it definitely would be useful, to be able to activate/deactivate certain statuses. In our case, we would like to be a...
5 months ago in Admin Experience / Workflows 0 Backlog

Only company admins can increase license count

Admins need to grant Workspace admins permission to edit teammate settings, manage access and invite new teammates to Front, so that their team can work autonomously. However, giving them this permission also grants them the ability to add new lic...
over 3 years ago in Increase granularity of admin permissions 0 Backlog

Finer filters on conversations that data retention policy applies to

Currently, the data retention policy feature applies to all conversations when activated. How could we add the flexibility to exclude certain conversations from being automatically moved to trash. Some potential approaches Ability to whitelist cer...
almost 4 years ago in Data retention 0 Backlog

Audit which teammates aren't using their inbox access

Some company admins want to keep shared inbox access controls to the minimum necessary. A teammate may have been granted access but rarely views conversations in the inbox, which means their access can be revoked. How can we help company admins to...
almost 2 years ago in Resource access settings 0 Backlog

Restrict conversation actions for a specific inbox i.e. View-only inbox access

Today, teammates can be given different sets of conversation permissions (e.g. ability to send a reply) between different Workspaces. However, creating a dedicated Workspace just for this purpose can be over-the-top and have undesired side effects...
almost 4 years ago in Conversation/inbox permissions 1 Backlog

Dynamic image in signatures

Allow admins to design shared signatures where the image is individualised to the teammate. The image may be personal like a headshot or signature, or could be dependent on the team they belong to. This could be achieved through a new "image type"...
over 1 year ago in Custom fields / Signatures 0 Backlog

Notify admin members when a channel is disconnected

When a user's channel is disconnected, only the user itself gets a notification. When that user is on leave, the only way to realize this is to manually check all inboxes. Notifying the admin members of this issue will help to ensure continuity.
almost 2 years ago in Teammate management 0 Backlog