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The ability to view & search within all rules that a company has

Giving admins the ability to have a top-down view of all rules that their company has. Would allow admins to search for specific rules based on their conditions.
almost 2 years ago in Company rules 1 Backlog

Out of Office Status for TEAM Inboxes Only (still get personal inbox notifications)

My team needs the ability to be "out of office" for the team inboxes so new replies are unassigned with the ability to still receive notifcations for their personal inbox. Just because someone is done working in a team inbox for the day does not m...
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Make Automatic Unassign when OOO Optional

Some users like using the snooze function. But we may have a bit of trouble if something is snoozed but reappears while the assigned person is Out of office status. Then the thread is unassigned and we can lose track of it. Not a big emergency but...
almost 2 years ago in Assign 2 Backlog

Be able to 'Add Conversation Subscriber' as a rule action

When a Conversation or subset of teammates need management oversight, it would be nice to be able to automatically subscribe a Teammate to a Conversation with rules. Right now, notifications serve as partially good, but when the conversation is be...
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Add contact notes to dynamic variables in rules

When a request comes in from a known content it would be nice to extract the notes from a contact and paste them into the conversation as a comment so all context stored in a Contact is immediately viewable by the agent. It would save time clickin...
almost 2 years ago in Smart rules 0 Backlog

Add 'Draft Created' as a Trigger for Rules

When a large customer is using the API with a singular custom channel to create drafts in batches, there is a manual triage component in terms of routing the Draft to the correct place. If Front could look at the content on the draft and take acti...
almost 2 years ago in Rule trigger 0 Backlog

New tools to recognize phishing attempts.

Due to an increase in phishing emails lately and a possible influx of more capable attempts with the advancements in AI tech it's important to make sure there are processes in place to catch them before they can cause issues. The idea is a new rul...
almost 2 years ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

Message level statusing for SLA rules

Would allow you to better define which messages are considered for SLA's and also give more control over when the SLA timer would start.
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 4 Backlog

Sequence From Channel Selector Size

Currently the dimensions of the Sequence Edit and New Sequence modal/popup is very narrow and not resizable. When trying to select a From channel for sending, we cut of the ending with ... as a "there is more here" indicator. With dimensions avail...
almost 2 years ago in Outbound/Sequences 0 Backlog

Choose whether a moved conversation (by a rule) is archived or not for subscribers

When a conversation is moved by a rule : Choose whether it archives or not for subscribers : today, front automatically archives the conversation for subscribers.
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 0 Backlog