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View Contacts on Mobile App

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9 months ago in Contacts / Mobile 1 Backlog

Face ID and Pin quick login for mobile app

My IOS mobile app asks me to sign in everyday and our company emails are long and annoying to type. It would be helpful to have the option to sign into the app via Face ID
9 months ago in Native features 0 Backlog

Multiple tabs for desktop app

This would be especially useful for creating rules. To create rules you have to grab info from messages (subject, sender info etc) and without the ability to create tabs, you have to constantly go back and forth which can be tedius.
9 months ago in Native features 0 Backlog

More customizable desktop app

"I wish we could customize the desktop app view more than the two options currently available (default and compact)"
10 months ago in Desktop 0 Backlog

Language support: Italian

'the English language setup is a huge downside for our team.'Lost opportunity
11 months ago in All platforms 0 Backlog

Option to disable auto bullets on "*" or "-" in iOS Mobile App (like on deskstop)

I some cases I paste items which start with "*" or "-" and FrontApp auto formats them to bullets. I want to be able to disable this as I can on the desktop.

Keyboard shortcuts: Change Canned Response Shortcut command+shift+5 to something that isn't the same shortcut for a screen record on Mac.

Your current canned response shortcut is command+shift+5. This is the same exact shortcut as a screen record on Mac computers. I have disabled the screen record shortcut on my Mac for this reason. We often need to screen record for tech purposes.
12 months ago in Keyboard shortcuts 0 Backlog

Custom Hotkeys / Specific Tag Hotkeys

Sorting through emails and adding tags takes multiple clicks, should be able to assign a tag with 1 button. Furthermore, we should be able to edit hotkeys to our preference vs the few standard preset options.
about 1 year ago in Keyboard shortcuts / Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog

Separate save and delete draft buttons on mobile app

On mobile, the delete draft and save draft buttons are too close, causing customers to accidentally delete drafts.
about 1 year ago in Mobile 0 Backlog

Ability to change font when using mobile app.

Everyone using this app would benefit from the ability to change fonts when working on mobile. It goes without saying the value this would add as many prefer to maintain their own styles without deviating should they be working away from the offic...
about 1 year ago in Mobile 1 Backlog