When using meeting times proposals (insert meeting times) it would be great if Front would temporarily and automatically "reserve" the proposed times in my calendar until the message recipient confirms a time. I'd like to avoid that somebody else ...
Ability to tell if a calendar the user is subscribed to is "offline"
When a user schedules on the offline calendar with no success, they don't know that an offline calendar is not actually available. Provide an indication that the calendar they are subscribed to is currently an online shared calendar and not an off...
It would be awesome if scheduling links contained multiple time durations. For example if someone wanted to book time with me, they could choose the option between 15 minutes or 30 minutes based on one scheduling link.
Click calendar notification/reminder and see invite details
When a calendar notification pops up (e.g. 15/0 minute warning), clicking on the alert does not open the calendar item. It just seems to open Front at the inbox. Could it take us directly to that event?
Alternate timezone displayed for scheduling confirmation email
Display either the timezone of the client who selected the slot via the scheduling link or display both the timezone of the organiser and the client in the confirmation email.
Slack offers the ability for huddles with audio and/or video conferencing. Since Slack is already an integration option with Front, please allow it to be an option for video conferencing. Currently, only Google Meet and Zoom are available options.