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Compose - write efficiently with quality

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offer a create new conversation button from a conversation

sometimes I have a new conversation opened and I have to go back to the main Front App to create a new conversation, it would be nice to have a create new conversation from an existing email conversation or a shortcut to create a new conversation ...
12 months ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 0 Backlog

Automatically capitalize name when using variables

When using message variables (using the {{ shortcut), for example if you write "Hi {{recipient.first_name}}," and the contact name isn't capitalized, then you have to manually update it. Would be great if this variable automatically capitalized th...
12 months ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Allow Email Signatures for Calendar Event

Allow the use of Email signatures that can be used for standard emails to be addable to the email body when creating a calendar event. At the moment you have to type in a "Kind Regards..." manual. This looks unprofessional.
12 months ago in Create New Event / Signatures 0 Backlog

Customized send later time selection

Need the ability to create customized send later time options, beyond the presets available in Setting > Personal > Preferences > Send Later.
about 1 year ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 4 Backlog

Send & Store in Folder

A customer requested the ability to answer an email and store it in a folder, similar to "Send & Snooze" or "Send & Archive."
about 1 year ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 0 Backlog

Confgure where attachments are uploaded from

When adding an attachment, I always have to choose between 'computer' and 'google drive'. I never use Google Drive. It would be nice to be able to configure this. I bet some teams would also love to see Dropbox as an option here. Not me though, I ...
about 1 year ago in Attachments 0 Backlog

Allow bulk updates to append messages to signatures

We would like to be able to add a company wide message to each teammate signature without having to edit each one individually. This would be useful for office closings or other announcements that should go out with each email.
about 1 year ago in Signatures 0 Backlog

Open attachments in Google workspace

Open attachments in cloud software (ie google sheets, docs etc
about 1 year ago in Attachments 0 Backlog

Attach from Front – ability to attach any email or document from anywhere in Front directly in the composer

When composing an email, attaching from anywhere in Front would be useful so that users can query across emails and attachments. Customers are often referencing things in other conversations.
about 1 year ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 0 Backlog

Filter message templates

Instead of seeing only 4 recent templates, and then ALL templates and having to scroll through everyone's, can we either increase the RECENT section or be able to filter by our own personal templates?
about 1 year ago in Message templates 1 Backlog