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Collaborate - work together seamlessly

Showing 55

Ability to merge discussions

Suggestion to be able to merge discussions, like how you can merge emails in Front today
over 1 year ago in Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog

Add option to display subject line in drafts automatically

Sometimes we need to amend the subject line and it would be helpful to be able to choose to see it automatically in drafts rather than having to manually open it each time.
over 1 year ago in Shared drafts 0 Backlog

Ability to "mark conversations as distinct" so that option to merge disappears?

It would be great to have a way to "mark conversations as distinct" or "keep separate" so that the option to merge disappears at the bottom of the conversation (if it's appearing to being with). We've noticed use cases where we need to keep conver...
over 1 year ago in Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: collapse conversations

I'd love a keyboard shortcut to collapse conversations. (And/or a button that's not hidden instead of dropdown list.) Also, and I know this is SUPER granular, the ability to specify that it keeps the final email open (instead of collapsing ALL ema...

Ability to sync all messages to sender/recipient similar to Twilio/SMS channels

When you hit compose and create a new message it would be preferred if a setting existed that would automatically thread message to an existing thread if the sender/recipient is the same. Currently Front will always create a new conversation when ...
almost 2 years ago in Composer / Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog

Show "drafts" as a filtered tab for an inbox

Right now, when I am in an inbox, the top shows filtered such as open, archived, and snoozed. I would love to be able to see drafts that are shared with the team with access to the inbox there as well.
almost 2 years ago in Shared drafts 1 Backlog

Allow drafts to be tagged

The ability to tag drafts would be useful so that the user is allowed to "sit" on an email for a while, and not forget to tag it after sending. Currently, the only way to apply a tag to a draft is to schedule it for sending later, and then cancel ...
almost 2 years ago in Shared drafts 1 Backlog

Increase the Merge conversation message limit - 100 is too low

Merging conversations is my favorite Front feature and we use it extensively. We've recently come up against the 100 message limit (15 people on an email chain and 4 support engineers can hit 100 messages VERY quickly). 100 Message merge limit has...
almost 2 years ago in Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog

Thread comments together

Comments build up quickly, and then it gets difficult to dig through a wall of grey comment boxes. This would introduce the ability to have comments that are threaded together.
almost 2 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 0 Backlog

Add activity in-line when email has automatically Smart Merged

Our team has very long and complex correspondence day to day and it does become difficult at times to realize at what point an email has been smart merged. It would be ideal if this was highlighted at point of merge in the email or at the latest u...
almost 2 years ago in Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog