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Core Product Experience

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Schedule a meeting from an email

Add a button that schedules a meeting with everyone that is on the email. It would be on the three-dot dropdown menu along with "Forward" and "Forward as a new conversation" - something like "Schedule meeting" - click that would pop open the calen...
8 months ago in Cal/scheduling efficiency 0 Backlog

Display history of template creation, and show when last used

In the UI of the "Message Templates" section of Front, i'd like to be able to be able to see the history of the message template (primarily, who created it, and who last edited it), as well as see when it was last used. If I see we have templates ...
11 months ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Format paintbrush - Ability to copy paste formatting

No description provided
about 4 years ago in Composer 3 Backlog

Speak to Email

Product Feature: click cmd+R in front email to activate mic then I can talk out what Im trying to say gen AI turns that into a written out email copy that matches my conciseness and tone of voice
3 months ago in AI / Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Ability to use teammate groups or contact lists when inviting participants to a calendar event

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in Attendee management / Create New Event 3 Backlog

I want to customize "unsubscribe" to still have external replies bump conversation in my inbox (rather than being archived)

I am looking for a function like "Mute" to avoid seeing internal chatter, however, I would like to see the message again when an external sender replies or when I am mentioned. Currently, using "Mute" has caused me to miss external replies to mess...
over 1 year ago in Mute / subscribe 0 Backlog

Company level views including Inboxes across workspaces

As an Admin, I want to create a View that includes inboxes from multiple different workspaces.
12 months ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Ability to configure location of the reading pane (main conversation view) to the bottom

Ability to reconfigure location of reading pane from the right to the bottom (similar to options in Outlook)
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Minimize Drafts like Gmail

Is it possible to minimize email drafts in the main inbox view to copy and grab other information from my calendar, other emails, etc? This is a great feature in Gmail to be able to pop back and forth quickly as you piece your email together from ...
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 6 Backlog

Searching for assignee displays matches in order of most commonly assigned to or displays matches in the current team inbox, as opposed to alphabetically

To make manual assignments faster/more accurate (especially to teammates with common names), it would be helpful if when I type a name into the assign box (like "Nick") the "Nicks" who populate show up in order of who you assign to most or who is ...
about 2 years ago in Collaborate - work together seamlessly 1 Backlog