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Core Product Experience

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Message templates - variable in Subject field

Today we can only insert message template variables in the body. The goal here is to be able to use variables in the subject field (optional field) of message templates.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Message templates 0 Backlog

The ability to pin an email at the top of an inbox

The ability to pin an email at the top of an inbox, similar to how you can "pin" an @mention comment. We have an employee working around this and snoozing an important email for a couple of minutes, so it appears at the top of his inbox. This can ...
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 5 Backlog

Ability to add / install custom fonts

Please add the ability to add / install custom fonts in order to support corporate branding, specific design/format needs, and more.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 5 Backlog

Ability to propose a new time & accept/decline proposed times for a calendar event

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Managing/Updating Events 0 Backlog

Macros available in Front mobile app

This would be great for teams who are on the go and need an easy, low-risk, low-click way of kick-starting a workflow/process.
5 months ago in Core Product Experience / Macros 0 Backlog

Merge conversations with mixed types (eg. email and Front forms)

Unfortunately, there isn't currently a way to merge conversations when one is started as a form submission, and the other was started via email. The conversations have different "types" and are not compatible for merge, and we'd like to be able ...
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 2 Backlog

Keyboard Shortcut For Ticket Labels

When using the old inbox you could archive emails using cmd+E. When you try to do that while the new ticketing feature is enabled, it opens up the ticket label options. It would be awesome if there were keyboard shortcuts for 'Open', 'Waiting' and...
4 months ago in Ticketing 0 Backlog

Give customer the choice between multiple 3rd party spell checkers

Currently Front supports spell checking using Grammarly. However, some customers would prefer to have the choice the use other spell checkers, like Microsoft spell checker, as there are cases where they can provide better suggestions.
11 months ago in Composer 1 Will not do

Drag & drop attachments from Front emails on Mac

Currently, it's impossible to drag&drop attachments from Front to external applications (such as Google Chrome, Drive etc.) on Mac. It is possible on PC but not on Mac. This is a huge productivity killer and therefore will make a very big impa...
over 1 year ago in Attachments 0 Backlog

Ability to assign a discussion when composing it

Ability to assign a discussion while composing one, instead of having to do it after sending it.
almost 2 years ago in Internal discussions 0 Backlog