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Only company admins can increase license count

Admins need to grant Workspace admins permission to edit teammate settings, manage access and invite new teammates to Front, so that their team can work autonomously. However, giving them this permission also grants them the ability to add new lic...
over 3 years ago in Increase granularity of admin permissions 0 Backlog

Restrict conversation actions for a specific inbox i.e. View-only inbox access

Today, teammates can be given different sets of conversation permissions (e.g. ability to send a reply) between different Workspaces. However, creating a dedicated Workspace just for this purpose can be over-the-top and have undesired side effects...
almost 4 years ago in Conversation/inbox permissions 1 Backlog

Permission to manage teammate availability status

If a teammate forgets to mark themselves OOO, then it will disrupt the team's workflows and assignment rules. Today, only a company admin or teammate with 'Teammate - Invite/Manage' permission can change another user's OOO status. By adding a new ...

Restrict access to Contact Manager

Limit who can add, edit and delete contacts and accounts. This could also include limitations on freely browsing through contact data in the contact manager, although, we cannot restrict the ability to view contact data entirely.
almost 4 years ago in Permissions 0 Backlog

Give non-admins permission to manage shifts

Add a new permission for managing shifts that can be added inside a custom role. This enables teammates other than full Workspace admins to manage shifts.

Prevent teammate's manually merging conversations

Restrict certain teammates from merging together conversations, to prevent the feature being mis-used.
almost 3 years ago in Conversation/inbox permissions 2 Backlog

Split billing permissions from Company admin status

Today, company admin is the highest level of access which allows the user to access anything in Front, including billing actions such as adding licenses, changing payment details or upgrading plans. We could introduce a new notion of billing permi...
almost 4 years ago in Increase granularity of admin permissions 0 Backlog

Frontline users can see rule logic with view-only access

This will help with transparency as to how/why messages are getting assigned to them or not. This could be managed with a view-only permission for custom roles.
almost 2 years ago in Permissions / Rule management 1 Backlog

Dedicated "Merge conversations" permission

Ability to restrict "merge conversations"
about 2 months ago in Conversation/inbox permissions / Permissions 0 Backlog

More Granular Permissions for Moving Messages

Hi! I'd like to be able to restrict moving messages between workspaces. For example, I have an IT workspace that I'd rather users in my Production workspace not be able to move things to. There may also be inboxes in a workspace that people should...
about 1 year ago in Increase granularity of admin permissions / Permissions / Workspaces 0 Backlog