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Support searching for part of words, email, IDs (partial search)

Description: Sometimes I search using only a part of a longer keyword. Keywords can be: an email address where I remember partially the domain name an order ID where I only know the beginning or the end, or when there is a space in it but I don't ...
about 3 years ago in Matching 0 Backlog

Rank search results based on the recency of the match and not the most recent activity on the conversation

Description: Search results are ranked chronologically but based on the last activity time of a conversation containing a match, and not based on the activity time of the search match in the conversation. For example for the search query: acme@acm...
almost 2 years ago in Search Ranking 0 Backlog

Filter negation (tag, email, account)

Description: Be able to search for conversation that DON'T have a specific filter Example use cases: Do not search in "attachments" Search for an open email from outside your organization with 'is:open' Avoiding certain senders by sea...
over 2 years ago in Filters 3 Backlog

Simplify searching through different inboxes

Description: Sometime I forget or I don't see that my search location is either on "All inbox" or "Inbox". This results in not finding the result I seek or having to many results
almost 4 years ago in Search location 0 Backlog

Faster search indexing

Situation: I sometime do an action and immediately search for it (like I add a tag to a conversation, or I use the quick archiving action on the search results) Challenge: When I take an action on a conversation (like tagging, archiving...) I need...
over 1 year ago in Filters / Tech - Search performance 0 Backlog

Search in everywhere (spam, trash, inboxes)

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Search location 0 Backlog

Support searching with a wildcard (*) in query and filters

Adding a wildcard (*) to my query does not always return results with variations in words (truncation)
over 1 year ago in Matching 0 Backlog

Saved Search / view

The ability to save searches so you don't have to type them out each time.
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Search 1 Backlog

Show number of matches in a conversation + navigate between them

When a conversation has more than one match, it is not visible unless: I scroll through the conversation thread and see highlights I redo my search inside the conversation with a cmd+f or ctrl+f shortcut I wish to be able to know that a conversati...
over 1 year ago in Search result previews (P2) / Search Results 0 Backlog

Turn off contacts auto-suggest

Being able to turn off auto-suggest in composer for all Front users
almost 2 years ago in Search sorting 0 Backlog