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Macros: Default value in "Collect Teammate Answer" form

I'm building a Macro and want to provide a default value in a "Collect Teammate Answers" form. An example of how this could be used;I'm building an escalation workflow. The teammate should pick from a "Priority" enum field (High, Normal, Low) - I ...
4 days ago in Macros 0

Access "Current Teammate" in Macro Dynamic Variables

When building a Macro, I want to be able to access the "current teammate" as I need to include some information about them in the request passed to my application server.
7 days ago in Macros 0

Finer granularity (seconds) on Time Since Trigger rule condition

My team has a use case where we need to wait a few seconds after an event in Front before a Rule triggers. It would be helpful if the Time Since Trigger condition could support a finer granularity (seconds) Seems related to https://front.ideas.aha...
8 days ago in Rule conditions 0

Flag all rules and macros that break when deleting a resource (tag, teammate, etc.)

When deleting a resource like a teammate, tag, or inbox, Front should flag all the rules and macros currently using that resource so that admin can update these workflows accordingly.
17 days ago in Rule management 1 Backlog

Change sending email address for auto reply/Customer Feedback request

Summary: When creating an auto-response rule or 'Measure Customer Satisfaction' rule, it would be nice to change the sent from email address. A customer (currently in opt-out phase), has onboarded both their Support and Customer Success teams. The...
about 1 month ago in Auto-reply / Missing core rule actions / Rule actions 0 Backlog

Loops in rules to process multiple items in a list

Ability to set a looping logic for rules to process multiple items in a list. E.g. split an array to send an app request for each item in the array.
about 2 months ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

unsubscribe a user from a conversation rule action

Directly unsubscribe a user from a conversation via rules (for example unsubscribe the teammate that assign the conversation to another teammate) at this time.
2 months ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Support Required Tagging rule on the mobile app

Our untagged emails are originating from archived emails accessed via cell phones. We would like the required tagging rules to also apply to the email application on mobile devices.
3 months ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Multi-select dropdown field type for teammate answers in macros

Allow multi-select dropdown prompt type as a teammate answer option in macros, so that teammate can select multiple values in the dropdown.
3 months ago in Macros 0 Backlog

Ability to see the 'seen' icon along with the sent time in the automated response email.

Ability to see the 'seen' icon along with the sent time in the automated response email. It will help the support with a more precise answer.
4 months ago in Auto-reply / Email channels 0 Backlog